two days out from North Face (actually 1 day 15 hours according to my desktop countdown widget) and i'm struggling to fight the infection that has invaded my sinus passages. as i generally don't prescribe to western medicine i look towards my nutrition (source: Healing With Whole Foods: Oriental Traditions and Modern Nutrition) and other alternative treatments. it has helped me get over various ailments in the last week or so including food poisoning, head cold, flu but this sinus infection seems to be a little more persistent. well at the least the lungs are almost cleared but damn you nasal passages...
i'm hoping that i will experience something similar to the zatopec phenomenon with my enforced taper rest during the last two weeks. i've never missed this many days of training leading up to a big event and all i can say is that i haven't been this rested since my two week break between the Cities Marathon and 12FT in 2008. maybe this test could change what i have previously thought i needed to do during the taper phase (or re-confirm my previously conceived views).
on a search of the web i found the following useful information... (i'm focusing on the mucusless food and ACV thing).
#1. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is our #1 favorite remedy for stopping sinus infections. We wish more people knew about this amazing home remedy for sinus infections. The idea is to take apple cider vinegar before the sinus infection occurs, which for most people is at the start of allergies, colds, flu, etc.
If antibiotics and/or the below home remedies are not curing your sinus infection, you need to take a look at your diet and eliminate all the mucous forming/thickening foods or drinks. Milk, citrus, spicy foods, wheat, cheese, etc. are usually the culprits. Try eliminating them from your diet for a few days.
Then try all of the following:
* Wild Oil of Oregano, a very powerful anti-bacterial herb (capsules are best)... Take 2 capsules every 3- 4 hours. This is a very safe herb.
* Potassium supplements -- dries up mucous.
* Drink apple cider vinegar throughout the day in large glasses of water (ACV thins mucous). See below for more information about ACV.
Run a hot shower run onto your face (forehead and nose) and then clear all the mucous from sinuses. Do this several times a day.
You should see improvement within a day or two. Please let us know how it goes!
#1. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is our #1 favorite remedy for stopping sinus infections. We wish more people knew about this amazing home remedy for sinus infections. The idea is to take apple cider vinegar before the sinus infection occurs, which for most people is at the start of allergies, colds, flu, etc.
We have found that when apple cider vinegar is taken either as a daily tonic or at the first sign of an allergy or cold (i.e., sinus headache, stuffy nose, watery eyes), one can completely stop the histamine response or allergic reaction. If you happen to have one of the brands of ice cream mentioned above, you should also take a large dose of apple cider vinegar the moment you get home.
There are a couple ways you can drink apple cider vinegar. One way is to put 1/8 to 1/4 cup ACV in 16 oz of water and sip it throughout the day. The other method is to gulp the mixture at once. Depends on your preference, really! Sometimes you just have to take this dosage once to stop the allergy and sometimes you need to take it up to three times a day. If taken at the onset of symptoms, allergies will usually disappear between 1 -3 hours after taking the first dose of Apple Cider Vinegar. If you've been experiencing allergies for a day or more, your symptoms will disappear after about 24 hours. If they don't, make sure you continue to take water/vinegar mixture for several days!
14 Readers have found success by taking a heavy dose* of ACV the moment they feel a sinus infection coming on. (* Note: dose = 2 TBLSP diluted (or straight) in spring water up to 3x a day)
Please remember -- the key to success is to use apple cider vinegar before a sinus infection appears (i.e. during the first stages of a flu or allergy attack).