Tuesday, March 23, 2010

no glenmore park boy was harmed...

no glenmore park boy was harmed in the making of this morning's run. while every intention was there i adhered to the BMMC code of conduct and ensured that no foot was placed into the forbidden territory. i skirted the boundaries looking for my prey before heading back to the more familiar river loop.

quads felt a little tight on the return leg so decided to act like a triathlete so stopped and stretched - felt that this display showed weakness so moved on at a faster pace. happily fueled up my glycogen depleted legs while adding this run to the log.

run details:

am) 56.30' steady (13k) - work - river loop + extension into regentville

pm) 1h13' trail run - oaks fire trail

- legs felt fatigued and felt like i was pushing it just to get up the hills and maintain an easy pace but when i hit the turn around i noticed that i was running close to my personal best for this run - 38mins up/35mins back. almost cracked it after and couldn't eat anything solid for a few hours. the brain was screaming out for something fizzy and loaded with sugar but i knew better and made myself a green smoothie (apples, oranges, rice milk, coconut oil, hemp seed protein, flax and a couple of handfuls of spinach). recovery from day to day has been amazing so i'll make sure i keep up with the nutrition and not slack off.

better schedule an easy day tomorrow and not race the fitness which will only lead to overtraining... been there before. hoping for a couple of big days back to back starting friday morning.

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